Event coordinators can specify how standings are ordered and how tiebreakers are determined in the "Event Info" section of an event, under "Rankings/Tiebreaker Algorithm". To make this a site-wide setting, change it in Admin > Settings > Event Settings.

The following options are available:


Teams are ranked by win percentage. When multiple teams have won the same percentage of games, the ties are broken as follows:

  1. Head-to-head results among the group of tied teams (each win = +1, draw = 0,  loss = -1)
  2. Results against common opponents (each win = +1, draw = 0,  loss = -1)
  3. Point differential among the group of tied teams.
  4. Point differential against common opponents.
  5. Point differential across all games.
  6. Virtual 'coin flip'

Power Rating

Teams are ordered based on their point differential (their margin of victory across all games) and the relative strength of schedule (how strong/weak their opponents were). With this algorithm, scoring a lot of points is more important than winning games. For example, a team that wins every game by 10 but loses one or two games will do better than a team that wins every game by 1 and has no losses. Similarly, scoring points against better teams will improve a team's rating, even if the team doesn't win those matcheups. A team that loses by 1 to three strong opponents will be ranked higher than a team that wins by 1 against three weak opponents.

Power rankings are useful to compare the performance of teams in an event where not all teams play the same number of games, or where some teams may have stronger opponents than others.  Power rankings also encourage playing competitively until the end of the game, even if the score is not close.

Record (USAU Algorithm)

This option, only available for ultimate events, uses the USA Ultimate tiebreaker standard, which can be found on pages 6-7 of the Manual of Championship Series Tournament Formats.

Teams are ordered by number of wins. Tie games do not count towards wins. When multiple teams are tied with the same record, the ties are broken as follows:

  1. Head-to-head record among tied teams.
  2. Head-to-head point differential among tied teams.
  3. Point differential among common opponents.
  4. Point differential among common opponents, excluding each team's best and worst differentials.
  5. Points scored, counting only games among the teams that are tied.
  6. Points scored, counting games against all common opponents.
  7. Points scored, counting games against all common opponents, excluding each team's best and worst scores.
  8. Sum of the square roots of the absolute values of the point differentials, counting games against all common opponents.

Record (WFDF Algorithm)

This option, only available for ultimate events, uses the World Flying Disc Federation tiebreaker standard, which can be found on pages 7-8 of the WFDF Rules of Ultimate Appendix.

Teams are ordered by number of wins. Tie games do not count towards wins. When multiple teams are tied with the same record, the ties are broken as follows:

  1. Number of games won, counting only games between the teams that are tied.
  2. Fewest games forfeited.
  3. Head-to-head point differential among tied teams.
  4. Point differential among common opponents.
  5. Points scored, counting only games among the teams that are tied.
  6. Points scored, counting games against all common opponents.