Adding your event to an Event Series can help you link it with past and future events of the same type by creating a top-level Event Series display page

For example, say your organization runs a "Winter Team League" every year. If you add ten years worth of Winter Team Leagues to the same Event Series, they will display on an Event Series page where viewers can see past and future events and see who won in any given year.

Here is an example of what an event series page looks like:

Another option would be creating an event series per-season: for example, if you run 12 different events every winter, and at the conclusion of Winter Season, you want to create one page that lets everyone see which events are run and how each team did. 

Adding an Event to an Event Series

To add any event to an event series, navigate to "Info" in the Event Admin menu. The option will appear halfway down the page. 

After the relevant series is added, visitors to your event page will see a Related Events section at the bottom of the overview: